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I highly recommend Adam Luu to anyone who needs a physiotherapist. I don’t know what I’d do without Adam’s physio help over the years, as he’s remedied a number of my issues. A few years back when I was cycling across Canada, I started losing feeling in my hands. Over the phone, he diagnosed cyclists palsy, researched it, and suggested several activities I could do on the road. His support meant the world to me because it meant I could continue my cycling trip. I’m also an avid tennis player. When I developed tennis elbow, he was able to quickly identify my issue and provide practical exercises so that I could continue playing tennis. 


One thing that stands out for me about Adam is his genuine drive to make people better and his curiosity when he doesn’t know something. He explains things in a manner that the average person (such as me) understands... this may be why he has developed the nick name Analogy Adam. As well, the fact he acknowledges when he doesn’t know something gives me greater confidence in him when he does know. When he doesn’t completely understand a problem, he provides me a game plan in terms of what he’s going to do (eg research issue, report back to me in 2 days). I feel like he goes to sleep with visions of clients rolling through his mind. 


In short, Adam is the best physio I’ve ever had and I highly recommend him. 

Michael Halinski Ph.D., MBA, Mechanical Engineer

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour

I am loving being active, enjoying mountain biking, skiing, paddle boarding and surfing.  Being strong, capable, pain free and confident, while enjoying all of the outdoor activities that Squamish has to offer, is really important to me.


I am a 54 year old retired physiotherapist, who invariably gets injured while enjoying the great outdoors.  I first met Adam, after experiencing a bad ankle sprain while exercising at the gym.  I researched all of the various physiotherapists together with their availability to see me quickly.  I was able to get an appointment with Adam within a few days of my injury.


Adam was very personable, a good listener, very smart and quite motivational in his approach.  He conducted a thorough assessment and proposed a treatment plan, together with references to recent research studies and published articles that supported the treatment plan.  This was very impressive to me, given that I am a retired physiotherapist.  I have very high expectations of any physiotherapist who is treating me, given that I know more about the assessment and treatment process than most other non-physiotherapists who would seek physiotherapy treatment.


Adam was great at educating me and connecting the treatment plan to current evidence based practices in physiotherapy.  I was impressed and confident in his professional knowledge and approach.


I have now sought Adam’s professional expertise for a number of injuries including sprains, tendonitis, and over use syndromes.  He is a fantastic communicator and has helped me to understand that I am capable of far more physical ability than I initially thought.  I have a long standing chronic knee issue that my orthopaedic surgeon prescribed a knee brace for and told me that knee replacement surgery was in my future.  Six years ago the orthopaedic surgeon told me to never run or jump again.  


Through my process of rehabilitation with Adam, he has reintroduced dynamic movements, including jumping, to improve my agility and power.  This is important because I am middle aged and at a higher risk of losing power and strength.


Adam’s academic knowledge and his ability to motivate me to try the jumping, opened a new door for me.  I am now engaging in regular box jumping, skipping and running, after 6 six years of avoiding these movements.  This has been life changing and I am very grateful to Adam.  I feel stronger and I am enjoying my outdoor activities even more!  


Retired Physiotherapist

I started seeing Adam in November of this year from a recommendation of another physiotherapist. With my history of knee injuries and surgeries, I was really looking for an expert! I have had 2 ACL reconstructions as well as a bone graft in my left knee, I used to be a competitive soccer player and these injuries ended my soccer career. Now 10 years and a baby later I was still having a lot of knee pain and weakness making it difficult to walk, run or hike (the things I love to do). I was amazed and relieved when I had my first visit with Adam. He took the time to do a series of orthopedic tests and really break down and figure out the cause of what was still creating these issues for me. He also did a great job at explaining it all to me in a way that I understood and could get motivated to fix. He gave me progressive exercises to do when I went home between our appointments and also laid out the process of the therapy. At each of my visits Adam was able to re-test and assess giving me the ability to see my progress and get so excited at seeing the strength improvement. My knee is feeling stronger and stronger and I feel so grateful to be in the hands of a very competent physio. The icing on the cake is that Adam is a really amazing and genuine guy that is easy to connect with. I would highly recommend him to anyone getting frustrated by their chronic injuries continuing to limit them with the things they love in life.

Dr. Natalie Groenewoud

Naturopathic Doctor

I had been suffering from migraines for years, and they were becoming more debilitating and frequent. I would spend a few days in horrendous pain every month and it was starting to affect my work. I spoke to my primary physician and the suggestion was to begin medication to help alleviate the pain, but I wasn’t comfortable with that option. I had received physio treatment previously for a knee injury and was really impressed with how knowledgeable and helpful Adam had been. I began seeing Adam regarding my migraines and within our first session together he was able to assess that my migraines were being caused by a neck injury. I wasn’t even aware that my neck was injured, but we began treatment and within five weeks I had no symptoms, and was able to self-manage my injury. Adam established that my injury was due to poor posture as a result from sitting at a desk all day. He gave me a variety of exercises that I could do at home or work, and suggested that I would benefit from a sit-stand desk. I implemented all of the changes he suggested, and it has made an enormous difference to my health. I’m very grateful that Adam took the time to educate me, and provide me with the tools I needed to treat my injury on my own. It’s very empowering to finally feel as though I have control to heal my body in a natural way without having to rely on medication. I am a huge advocate for physiotherapy and particularly the help that Adam has provided me with. 

Christina Grant

Bank Branch Manager

After years of regular mountain biking and multiple efforts to find the best solutions to alleviate the pains caused by riding, finding Adam was a game changer. In each session I was able to find improvement and his home exercises were easy to complete. Seeing him not only improved my body's health, but also improved my mountain bike performance and my knowledge of self care.

Paul Haysom

Paul the Punter - Youtube Creator

Because of an active lifestyle with high impact activities and less maintenance and self-care than I needed, I started to pick up little aches and pains that were beginning to impact my ability to maintain the activity level to which I had grown accustomed. Adam sought the source of my symptoms using a holistic approach that not only alleviated my discomfort, but has prevented its return through ongoing maintenance, and by adapting his treatment strategies to my needs. With Adam's help at the clinic plus his recommendations for independent self-care I have been able to remain pain-free and prevent the onset of issues before they occur. 


Weekend Warrior

I worked with Adam on two injuries: a tennis elbow and an ankle injury. Both times Adam’s assessments were spot on. He took the time to understand what happened, he explained each step of the recovery process, and I followed his exercise plan. Adam always explains the why. It helped me understand how important my home exercises were to my recovery. The progress assessments motivated me in being diligent with my homework to score better. Adam took the time to communicate with my family physician and my surgeon. Both doctors had experience with Adam but more importantly they trusted his judgement and opinion on what could assist with my recovery. Adam used IMS and Graston which helped in the recovery. The impact after each session could be felt instantly. I am active and I was able to return to my normal activities without pain or constraint.


Retired Police Officer

Kiteboarding and more advanced yoga postures would be the major things that I have slowly been coming back to. You were the first physical therapist I saw after shoulder surgery. Your positive insight and knowledge gave me the best head-start to healing I could have asked for. Thank you so much, Adam. Good help can be hard to find especially with uncommon injuries. Your humble approach and up-to-date information on physical health motivated me to take responisibilty for my revovery. You also set the bar high for me to find other skilled and passionate therapists when I moved to Victoria. Thank you for shining light on my rehabilitation. I very much enjoyed each session and always left feeling up lifted and stronger on all levels. I also plan to come back in for a few sessions next time I am in Squamish, as the healing continues. 

Sara Leslie

Yoga Teacher/Kiteboarding Instructor

Adam's in-depth visual understanding of how our bodies work allow him to take a focused and calculated approach to the issue. I appreciated his hands-on approach to his treatments and he helped me to understand what I needed to do between visits. He doesn't just throw exercises at you to fill the time. He actually treats the injury. 

Andy Anissimoff


I initially met Adam after I injured my lower back at work as a Paramedic. I had injured it lifting a patient. Adam was very welcoming and easy to talk to. He took a thorough history and assessed me. He determined what my exact injury was (sprained L5/ S1 joint) and had a plan of how to treat it. I was impressed that he looked at the whole body rather than trying to just fix the one problem. He was able to explain the mechanisms behind the injury and why I became injured in the first place. Adam is up to date on the latest studies and literature in the physiotherapy field and applies this to his daily work. I saw Adam twice per week for 8 weeks. During this time our appointments would consist of assessments, massage and skeletal adjustments. I would be sent home with strength workouts to do on my own between appointments. After 8 weeks I was back at work and feeling great.


I returned to see Adam with a knee injury sustained at work. I was barely able to walk and very concerned with the condition of my knee. Adam did a full assessment of my knee and diagnosed me with a partial tear of my MCL. He was able to educate me on the anatomy of the knee joint in detail so I understood why I was feeling each area of pain and what could be causing it. I was concerned that I should be wearing a knee brace but Adam assured me that wearing a brace would actually cause atrophy in the knee and lengthen my overall recovery time. I saw Adam for about 4 weeks for my knee and in the end I was able to avoid surgery and return to my normal activity.


Overall I would highly recommend Adam to anyone with an injury, especially if that person is active with an athletic background. As someone who engages in numerous outdoor activities, Adam is relatable in the sense of needing to get back to normal as soon as possible. Adam has a positive demeanor and takes the time to listen to your concerns. 

Melissa Petruk




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Union Health + Performance

Northyards I Building

39666 Government Road Unit #104

Squamish, BC V8B 0A6


Mon: 7am - 1pm

Tues: 1:30pm - 8pm

Wed: 7am - 1pm

Thurs: 1:30pm - 8pm

Fri: 7am - 1pm

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©2021 by ADAM VAN LUU Proudly created by BIG MOUNTAIN CONSULTING 

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